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Why Reading Dogs Can Boost Your Kid's Literacy Skills

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Reading skills are essential for every child. However, kids learn how to read in different ways. If your little one struggles to read or dislikes it, enrolling them in reading-to-dog programmes could be the trick to making them much more willing to engage in reading exercises. Reading to dogs is crucial for kids to learn how to read and improve their literacy skills.

Generally, kids tend to have a natural affinity with dogs, and reading to them comes with multiple benefits. However, if you do not have one in your home, reading-to-dog programmes are an ideal solution. With that in mind, here are some of the top reasons to consider including reading dogs in your kid's reading routine.

Reading Dogs Make Kids Feel Comfortable

Kids can easily be discouraged from reading if they feel their peers will judge them or make fun of them when they make a mistake or struggle with pronunciations. Reading to dogs eliminates such fears because dogs are non-judgemental. Therefore, the kids feel more comfortable reading to the dogs. Doing this over time builds the kid's confidence and helps improve their literacy and communication skills as they start reading aloud.

Dogs Act as Stress Relievers

Reading can be a stressful experience for kids, especially when they struggle with words. Therefore, you need to find a way to help reduce their stress levels when reading. Here's where reading dogs come in handy. Petting the dog while reading can be calming to the little ones, helping them feel less stressed or anxious. Essentially, the calming factor that reading dogs provide to kids helps them be more receptive to reading and learning.

Reading to Dogs Can Be Fun

Many children who struggle to read tend to find reading a dull experience when they do it alone. By introducing dogs to their reading routine, their natural affinity to the canines can help make reading exercises a fun experience for them. They are likely to spend much longer reading to the dog than they would when reading alone. Doing this over time encourages them to love practising reading, which in turn boosts their literacy skills.

Reading to Dogs Comes with Many Social Benefits

Petting the dog and interacting with it while reading can help kids to learn kindness. Also, many reading-to-dog programmes encourage kids to practise reading aloud. Doing this can significantly improve their communication skills. 

To help your child or someone else's child enhance their reading skills, contact companies that can explain more about host-a-dog benefits.
